
hii welcome to my website :3 this place is probably just gonna exist as a little corner where i throw things into cuz i really dont know how to maintain this shit!! erm anyway some stuff about me:

my name is aurath! im 17 and i use he/they prns. i really like neon genesis evangelion and serial experiments lain !! i have other interests but those have kinda taken over my brain like parasites tbh

i'm faily new to coding, only been doing it actively for a couple weeks i think? as of may 8th 2024 at least! i had some html/css knowledge from tumblr themes when i needed to add a music player but i only got into coding my own websites recently! this website is actually the first one i've ever coded without the help of any code resources (like carrds w premade codes) or generators! this definitely made me go insane but whatever :P

this website is primarily themed after puchi eva but that is subject to change as i plan to make this site evolve over time! i will add things eventually but for now u just get my ramblings lol
